Werk Wednesday

Thursday, December 15, 2011

I heart Antiques

...and I promise I'm still 19! I got my antique lovin' honest. All around my mama's house and Mema's there are antique dishes, furniture, and small paraphenilia.

Last night, I made a cranberry, orange, and walnut bread in my new loaf pan.

I love the flavors in it and would be great with a dab of butter, splash of honey, or a spoonful of peanutbutter.

This morning my Mema and I gobbled our morning slice down with a cup of coffee.

Today we raided antiques and old junk at a place called "The Treasure Store".

I love days spent with my Mema!

Back tomorrow with a regular post!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What I Ate Wednesday: Rainbow food

It's Wednesday.. and that only means- What I Ate Wednesday. Originally, I planned on posting workouts on Wednesday, so at the bottom I added a small list for Werk Wednesdays. Also, the comment box is now open for anyone and everyone who wants to comment. Have a great day!

2 egg omelette: Sliced tomato, spinach, orange pepper

Before flip


Broiled grapefuit: Sprinkled with brown sugar, broiled on HI for 7 minutes

Spinach, tomato, bell pepper, apples, grapefruit, goat cheese

Apple + PB

Lunch of a champ


Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza: Pesto, spinach, tomato, bellpepper, mozzarella, feta, goat cheese, sprinkle of parmesan

The good stuff

Can't forget dessert: White Chocolate Pecan Bark

Shoutout to Jenn at Peas and Crayons! Thanks for hosting WIAW!

Werk Wednesdays!

15 repetitions each
  • Stretch
  • Alternating jumping lunge
  • Burpees
  • Jumping jacks
  • Bicycle crunch
  • Push up
  • Squats
  • Burpees
  • Mountain climbers
  • Push up
  • Cool down

This is TOUGH but worth it! Good Luck and get it in!


Monday, December 12, 2011

Pizza + a Kitten that cooks

When commenting on other blogs, I refer to myself as the Clueless Nut. It's easier to type and uh, fitting.

Most of my cooking is either done with my boyfriend, for my boyfriend, or guided by his instructions.

Admittedly, he has taught me alot about cooking. Or maybe I have taught myself alot about his cooking. Like when I stand over his shoulder and watch him do his thing (which he absolutely can't stand) while also making sure he doesn't throw in any bizzare ingredient i.e. butter, mayonaisse, sour cream.

As soon as I turn my back, he sneaks in a few of the said ingredients and quickly uses it however he pleases. I know it.

Take last Thursday for example. Finishing my last bite of that cheesy, gooey grilled cheese he quickly said, "Iputmayonaisseinthatgrilledcheese."

I usually don't eat mayonnaisse. But atleast it was the mayo made with olive oil. So that is somewhat healthier, right? Whatever.

Boyfriend is too much of a boring word to type. So from now on, I will refer to him as a nickname that was given to him by his friends- Kitten.

Kitten Facebook messaged me a recipe last night. We're hip like that. Of course, it was pizza. Every week during the school semester, he makes homemade pizza. Since we are both on Christmas break and with our separate families, I have to be the cook (using his recipes).

Every Monday while growing up, my mama brought home one pepperoni pizza, one cheese pizza, and if we got lucky- breadsticks. Or even better, cheesesticks; because cheese pizza and cheesesticks aren't the exact same or anything. Not in my 16-year old mind. My favorite part of the pizza tradition was the next morning. I would re-heat two pieces of pizza, jump in my car, and try to steer the wheel with a greasy pizza in one hand and my mascara in the other.

So to keep Monday tradition, I made pizza.

Homemade Whole Wheat Pizza

Serves: 4 (2 pieces each)

Dough Ingredients:
1 packet active dry yeast
3/4 Tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup warm water
2 cups of 100% Whole Wheat Flour (or flour of choice)
2 Tablespoon olive oil

In a medium bowl, combine yeast, sugar, and salt. Mix until first three ingredients are dissolved. Set aside.

In a medium bowl, combine flour and olive oil. Add the water/yeast mixture and mix just until combined.

Cover dough mixture. Allow it to rise for 1-2 hours.

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Knead by hands.

Shape the dough with a rolling pin. Place on lightly greased pizza pan.

Top with desired toppings.

Cook for 12-15 minutes. Allow to cool for 5 minutes before cutting.

Topping Ingredients (from last night):

About 2 Tablespoons of pesto (used as a base)
1 tomato, sliced
1 cup spinach, chopped
1/2 red bell pepper, sliced
1/4 cup mozzarella
2 T, or more feta cheese
Basil and herb goat cheese, crumbled
A sprinkle of quality grated parmesan, added in the last 5 min. of cooking

Wash and prepare (chop, slice, crumble) ingredients accordingly.

Spread pesto. Add chopped and sliced vegetables. Top with mozzarella, feta, then goat cheese. In the last 5 minutes of cooking, lightly sprinkle quality grated parmesan.


Thankfully, I re-heated pizza again on a Tuesday morning.  I jumped on the couch, trying to control the remote with a piece of greasy pizza in one hand and my make-up remover in the other.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Gym + Stubborness

I want to wear what I want to while working out. Even if it means wearing an oversized t-shirt that has a hole under the left armpit and eight different colors of paint on the front.

I want to do what I want to, when I want to. The thought of crunches make my abs sore before I even dress for the gym. With that said, I don't want to wait on Slow Sally to finish her crunches on the stability ball. AND then wait for her to wipe the entire ball after she is done. I swear, Slow Sweaty Sally.

I want to control the volume of music like I want to. Even if it means having to tell Pandora, "Yes, I'm still listening" ten times. Atleast I won't be returning my headphones to my ear every step I take that causes that one mile seem like a marathon.

 I want to grunt, make horrid faces, and sweat hard without my bosses wife questioning me in the dressing room if I just ran a mile or took a shower.

It's clear. Sometimes I want to do what I want to do. I'm stubborn- always have been. Is it something worth bragging about? Heck no. But what is, is the fact that I just completed a workout wearing, sweating, singing and doing work like I want to and when I want to.

Here is my spin-off of the 100 workout roaming around Pinterest. <-- The original workout can be found here.

The 100 workout:
100 jumping jacks
90 crunches
80 squats
70 leg lifts
60 high knees
50 reverse crunch
40 squats + calf raise
30 mountain climbers
20 push-ups
10 minute cardio

That gym membership will have to wait.

Made from the Home

Find a sharpie. The bottom of a tin can. A little paint and a four year old's fingerprint. 

and a ornament is made that puts that thirty dollar ornament you saw at the arts and crafts festival last weekend to shame.

Find a empty cone-shaped yarn spool. Plug up the glue gun. A little felt, wool felt, furry balls (POM-POMS!!!), and some patience...

and after 13 burns from hot glue and a few grown-up words later, you have santa cones that are cheaper and way cuter than the fat, cotton-filled Santa sitting on top of your mantle. 

Find a blank canvas. Some white lighted branches (after Christmas would be cheapest). Awful smelling moss. A little floral wire, paint, that stupid hot glue, and a patient boyfriend who helps (or takes over in my case) 

and after 16 burns from hot glue and 10 very stinky fingers later, wall art is created that makes you feel as creative as Martha Stewart or whatever her name is.

Find a mother who learns to sew for her four children. A nappy headed, thumb sucking two-year old who needs clothes. A creepy farm animal fabric. 

and there you have a outfit circa 1994 that screams, "Welcome to Georgia, folks!" Even though I decided to hip it up with my fedora and call the fabric "creepy" circa 2011, I have to admit my mama did a great job  and it was far from creepy then, especially on that nappy headed, thumb sucking two year old. 

And what would Clueless Nutrition be without a little food thrown in there. And no cousin, I'm not talking about the green smoothie I featured yesterday. I'm talking flour, sugar, and butter. 

and homemade donuts are created that will have the Krispy Kreme owner knocking at your door. Note: I will save myself the embarrassment of featuring the donuts from last night that were (not) so presentable. Hopefully you enjoy crumbs too. 

Any ideas, especially you Pinterest-ers, on what I may be burning my fingers and scarring the ears of my boyfriend and mother with today?

Special thanks to Pinterest, my mama, my boyfriend's mom, Hobby Lobby and Michael's for contributing to these projects.

Back to the food- Don't you worry, you "normal" eaters. I will be working on that buttery and sugary donut creation. In the meantime, I will not judge if you JUST HAVE TO stop at that flashing red sign. 

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sneak in the Green

Sometimes I don't like eating vegetables. Sometimes I want a big plate of macaroni and cheese in front of my face and be done with it. You too?

Unfortunately, macaroni does not deliver nutrients essential for your health.  One food that passes macaroni in the nutrition test is spinach, and taste just as great if enhanced with a few flavorful ingredients. Don't click away just yet! I have something that will please your palate.

Without giving everyone a science lesson, I will briefly include the benefits when incorporating spinach in your diet. According to the USDA, spinach is best known as a source of iron, and also offers several other key nutrients. These include calcium, potassium, vitamins C, D, K, and B9 (folate)—as well as beta-carotene, a molecule our bodies use in making vitamin A.

My favorite way to include spinach or any types of greens in my diet is through a salad or a smoothie.

Leafy lunch

Mindy's Spinach Salad
Yield: 1 serving

2 handfuls of fresh spinach (approx 2 cups)
5 or 6 fresh button mushrooms, sliced
1/4 white onion*, sliced
10 almonds, slivered
1 hard-boiled egg (optional)
Crumbled basil and herb goat cheese
A splash of light raspberry vinaigrette 

*Red onion would probably taste better. White onion is just what I had at the time.

Simple is always best in my opinion. This salad is fairly simple while the flavors are so tasteful.  The combination of the sweet onion and tangy but herby goat cheese compliments the spinach so well. I add the boiled egg simply to add protein but grilled chicken or fish would work just as great.

If you absolutely resent the taste of spinach, I will let you in on a little secret. THAT IS OKAY. However, after you press blend on a handy dandy blender or food-processor, and taste the ending result, you may change your mind about the dark, leafy green. Especially looking down at the empty glass thirty seconds later and wondering where the heck it has been your whole life. 

Green Smoothie
Yield: one serving

2 or 3 handfuls of fresh spinach 
1/2 cup of cottage cheese 
1 frozen banana
1 organic kiwi
1/4 cup of dry oats
1 tablespoon of natural nut butter
Dash of pure vanilla (optional)
Ice, if needed

There are many, many variations of green smoothies. I have found the above recipe to satisfy my taste. You can opt milk or greek yogurt for the cottage cheese and frozen berries for the kiwi. After many failures, I have found the key in making a perfect green smoothie is incorporating sweet ingredients such as banana and a dash of 'nilla. Don't let the color of the smoothie turn you off. Remember what mama always told us, "Don't judge a book by it's cover." 

 And if anyone dares to make fun of you and your green concoction, let me know and I will hit them in the head with my frozen banana and blind them with my pepper vanilla spray.


Friday, December 9, 2011

Raindrops on roses! Whiskers on kittens!

What a title!

Every year around Christmas holidays, the song My Favorite Things from the Sound of Music comes into mind. I don't know who to blame? The commercials such as this one and this one or my mama who would sing this song in her best opera voice possible. (Love you, ma!)

When I was putting together a few of my favorite things (of food, of course) to feature on the blog, I wanted to cover two aspects. The first thing when I decide on purchasing or eating one food over another, I ask myself two questions, "How much do I like the taste?" and "how does it make me feel?" You see, nutritious and wholesome foods always make me feel great. But in all cases, some taste great and others don't. Take brussel sprouts for example, despite their nutritional stats I won't buy them because I don't prefer the taste. But, but, but chocolate on the other hand, like any type of chocolate cake that will send me straight into a sugar coma I will eat because I truly enjoy the taste. However, nothing makes my heart( and body, and jeans, and eyes... etc) happy when there is an equally delicious food as it is nutritious.

I realize most of you are on the go, or you and your grumbly stomachs don't particularly enjoy standing over a pot of oatmeal on the stove when you are running fifteen minutes late for work/class. That is completely understandable. If I had a dollar for every time I was running late, well I would be buying all of us good-for-you foods!

I have pictured a few of my favorite breakfasts and snack items that are healthy, tasteful, and convenient. Your kind of thing, right?

1. Chipotle Pepper Hummus: Hummus is a creamy, sometimes thick spread that comes in all kinds of flavors. You can even make it at home. If you are successful please tell me the trick because I fail every.single.time. Hummus punches in a lot of crucial nutrients, such as vitamins, protein, and healthy fats! When I am in a snacking mood I grab a handful of baby carrots alongside a spoonful of hummus. Hummus is also great in a sandwich, wrap, atop a salad, or served with pita chips.  

2. Laughing Cow Light Cheese: I am a cheese lover and that is an understatement. I use the Laughing Cow wedges to spread on top of English muffins for breakfast, alongside an apple for a snack, or just by itself. Again, there are all different flavors and for just 35 calories a wedge it is a treat that won't make you look like a cow, despite the name. <-- That was cheesy! 

3. Clif Mojo Bars: I love The Clif Bar company. Clif Bars were specifically made for high endurance activity like mountain climbers, bikers, and runners. They are low sugar and high protein, providing you with a significant amount of energy. These bars are perfect for a pre-workout or post-workout snack. The Mojo bars featured in the pictures are a perfect combination of sweet+salty. Now let's go pretend we climb mountains just so we can eat a peanut butter pretzel mojo!

4. Larabar: Larabars are exactly what the website explains, "pure and simple, just as nature intended." Every bar has less than 9 ingredients! I love eating these as an afternoon pick-me-up or sometimes chopped up and topped on greek yogurt. It's nice to know you are putting nothing but fruits, spice, and nuts into your body. I try to stay away from unknown ingredients as much as possible, and these are just the opposite.

5: Nut butter sample packets: Let me explain, before I read blogs or even thought about changing my eating habits I already had a thing for peanut butter. It wasn't until the past year that almond butter and sunflower seed butter was introduced to my healthy diet. I eat nut butter every.single.day. If it's not on top of my oatmeal or yogurt bowls or mixed into smoothies, it is eaten with sliced apple or carrots for a snack. And, since I'm being as truthful as possible, I sometimes eat by the spoon. Nut butter is a healthy fat that is VERY important in keeping a person satiated and maintaining weight and well-being. These sample packets are a perfect convenience food; grab an apple and a packet for a small breakfast or snack.

Those are just a few of my healthy snacks. I only snack when I am hungry or when I feel the need to fuel my body (which is too much). Also, I try to practice portion-control in order to save room for my next meal!

Have a great Friday!

Disclaimer: I am not a nutritionist or registered dietitian. All of my thoughts and opinions are based off of my knowledge and research.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Winter Vegetable Soup

Ok, okay... I will admit. I am not the master mind behind this delicious soup. See, I have a boyfriend who  loves to cook.  No silly, he doesn't add water, milk, and eggs to heated macaroni from the box and call it a day. He will throw ingredients together, following no recipe, and a hearty vegetable chili or this said warm soup will be the result.

 Thanks to his supermom mother and experience in a restaurant, this boy can whip up some meals. Last night at the grocery store he told me "He was making vegetable soup." I was ok with vegetable soup until he started grabbing canned green beans, canned corn, and canned peas. I always try to stay away from canned vegetables as it contains added salt and sweeteners. After a stop in the frozen vegetables section and a return to the red box (which is 5 days late, AGAIN) we he got to cooking. 

Winter Vegetable Soup
This soup will comfort the sick, warm the cold, and satisfy the angry man who believes meals without meat aren't tasty. Easy, quick, and nutritious, this soup is a keeper and can be frozen for later.


6 ounces green beans, fresh or frozen
6 ounces mini lima beans, fresh or frozen
6 ounces sweet corn, fresh or frozen
6 ounces baby carrots, fresh or frozen
4 ounces white mushrooms, sliced
1 medium onion, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1- 15 oz. canned tomato sauce
2.5 cups fat-free, low-sodium chicken broth
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon Salt + Pepper
1 teaspoon oregano
A few dashes of cumin (he claims this is the *secret* ingredient)

In large pot, add olive oil over medium-high heat and sauté onions until almost clear, then add mushrooms and garlic. Add chicken broth and tomato sauce. Sprinkle oregano and cumin. Bring to a low boil.

Add green beans, lima beans, corn and carrots. Sprinkle salt and pepper. Reduce heat to medium and cover, stirring occasionally. Cook for 25-30 minutes.


We had a stringy grilled cheese on the side, but the soup would be delicious alone! Actually I take that back, cook a grilled cheese too :)

Now someone come build me a fireplace and we can slurp our soup together. Hurry, it's almost gone.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

On Wednesdays, Jenn from the blog Peas and Crayons host a food party called What I Ate Wednesday. WIAW is a day of eats in picture form that helps the blogger reflect on his/her day of eats. Sort of like a food journal internet-style. Her blog and WIAW gives great exposure of delicious and nutritious combinations. It's amazing what one can do to make up a yummay meal. 

What I Ate Wednesday; What Mindy Ate Tuesday (same thing ;-D)

Breakfast: 1/2 cup plain Chobani + 1/2 cup cottage cheese topped with 1/4 cup Fiber cereal + dry oats, a few drippings of honey, a handful of grapes and 1 tbsp of CRUNCHY(!!!!) sunflower seed butter

1/2 of an orange 

A few white-chocolate covered pretzels were also snuck in 

I didn't take pictures at lunch, but it was delicious!

Lunch: An egg, cheese, and jelly english muffin 
Mine sort of looks like this one
1 egg+ blackberry preserves+ melted muenster cheese

Roasted broccoli and cauliflower 

Would be even better with parmesan!! 
Roasted in the oven at 350 for 15 minutes. All it needs is a tiny bit of olive oil + salt + pepper

Supper: Heirloom Market BBQ
This bar-b-que joint is my favorite restaurant in Atlanta. It is stuck beside a convenient store which was sketch at first, but it has delicious food. The owners are two chefs who studied abroad in Korea, these two people know their food! It isn't the typical bar-b-que with tons of french fries or chips, there are a variety of sides and there are all kinds of flavors varying from korean bbq, texas bbq, pulled brisket, bbq chicken and many, many more!

Tonight I went with the Spicy Korean Sandwich. I always end up bringing half of it home to eat the next day!
Spicy + sweet

with Korean Sweet Potatoes on the side
and a cucumber-radish salad (soo fresh)!

There's my day of eats! I always try to sneak in a variety of protein, carbohydrates, healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables! <-- Always keeps me full, and I will refrain from snacking. 

Thanks to Jenn for hosting the food party! 

Stop by tomorrow! I have a yummy winter vegetable soup recipe coming your way. Perfect for this chilly weather.. brrrr